Prostate Supplements Reviewed
ProstaGenix Review
For as long as prostate supplements have existed, the cornerstone of any company's product has been its sterol count. Among scientists and industry insiders, plant sterols are the yardstick by which the quality of a prostate supplement can been measured, and ultimately defines the company's own integrity and ranking as a serious contender in the supplement industry.
The video the entire prostate industry is talking about: Listen to what some of these customers have to say.
However, the last few years have shown plant sterols being side-stepped in many of the marketing efforts of new prostate supplements. The new buzz words are things like “delivery system”, “transport system”, “3 phase formula,” and a bunch of other advertising hype to try and make a product sound more sophisticated and effective than it really is.
The reasons for all the double talk from advertisers can be blamed on one company and one product. That product is ProstaGenix. They have raised the bar and easily surpassed the other prostate supplements on the market, including such well-known names as Super Beta Prostate, Urinozinc, Prosvent, and others. So many in fact, that they many are now resorting to fancy advertising to try and compete.
ProstaGenix has the exclusive rights to the most potent source of the number one ingredient shown to improve and help maintain prostate health. That ingredient is a rare form of beta-sitosterol from France. It is stronger than any other source, so no other product, no matter how hard they try, can compete.
This is why you are now seeing that Super Beta Prostate P3 Advanced and Force Factor Prostate has re-packaged and renamed their formula. ProstaGenix is running away with all the sales, and it is dominating the industry. Even worthless ingredients like lycopene and saw palmetto are being re-branded and spun into the market as if they are new and exciting developments. They are not.
The number one ingredient to look for in any prostate supplement is beta-sitosterol. Not all beta-sitosterol is equal. There are many different grades and quality differences, depending upon the source of the beta-sitosterol. Cheap materials and ingredients from China have flooded the market for years. It comes from soy and sugar of all things – and is of very poor quality.

- • Princeton University, Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude; Society of Sigma XI
Medical School
- • Yale University School of Medicine. Alpha Omega Alpha, Medical Honor Society

School of Medicine
Professional Societies
- • Fellow, American College of Surgeons (FACS) Diplomate – American Board of Urology
- • Society of Air Force Clinical Surgeons
- • Societe Internationale D’Urologie
- • International College of Surgeons
- • Society of Minimally Invasive Surgery
- • Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgery

Honors and Awards
- • Phi Beta Kappa, Princeton University
- • Summa Cum Laude, Princeton University
- • Society of Sigma XI, Scientific Honorary Society
- • Judas L. Magnes Medalist, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- • Alpha Omega Alpha, Medical Honorary Society
- • Anti-Defamation League, Outstanding Achievement and Community Service Award
- • Sheba Medical Center, Israel –Albert Schweitzer Award
- • Israel Cancer Research Foundation (I.C.R.F.) Excellence in Medicine Award, 1998
- • Appointed Urology Surgeon-in-Chief to His Majesty Bhumibol Adulyadej, King of Thailand Endowed Chairs
- • The Dudley Seth Danoff, M.D., Chair in Urologic Research at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Lab tests done on ProstaGenix show that it contains more than two and even three times more of this key ingredient than any of the other top brands on the markets. To put this in perspective – Super Beta Prostate has 327 mg of beta-sitosterol in a dose. Super Beta Prostate P3 Advanced has 293 mg of beta-sitosterol in a dose. These are top brands with well-formulated products. But even if you took BOTH of these together, it would still not equal the amount of beta-sitosterol you get in one dose of ProstaGenix – which is 825 mg.
With ProstaGenix, there are no gimmicks, no diluted blends, no second-class catering ingredients hiding scientific mumbo jumbo – just one heck of a strong formula. Verified Nutrition has taken the baton and run with it when it comes to the evolution of the prostate supplements, for no other product comes close to it. ProstaGenix is easy to get on Amazon or on their website at If you thought a prostate formula was only as good the ones that have been around for years, guess again. Try new (came to the USA in late 2017) ProstaGenix, see how a prostate supplement should really work for you!

Prostagenix Review

- Product Review
- Product: Prostagenix
- Company: Verified Nutrition, LLC
- Rating: A+
- Best Product Overall
- 5/5 Stars
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- Company Site:
- Contact: 1-800-801-0294
- See Lab Report